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25 oktober 2013

On 24 October 2013, Belgium and the Nordic Council of Ministers gathered scholars, stakeholders and negotiators from over 30 countries in Stockholm to discuss Equity in the context of the UN climate change negotiations.


Being a follow-up to the meeting in Brussels in November 2012 (see report in French or Dutch), the goal of this meeting was to offer an opportunity to countries to explore ways to make operational the issue of equity in the context of the climate negotiations in general, and more specifically in the context of the current work that is being undertaken under the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), that is trying to negotiate a new global climate agreement by COP21 in Paris in 2015.

The presentations of this workshop can be downloaded below.

Opening speech by Melchior Wathelet, State Secretary for Environment, Energy and Mobility, Federal government of Belgium

Introductory remarks by Michael Zammit Cutajar

Session 1 "Framing the equity debate"

Session 2 "Equity and adaptation"

Session 3 "Equity and mitigation"

Session 4 "Operationalizing equity"

25 October 2013: an informal meeting among negotiators

The next day (October 25th), an informal exchange between climate negotiators was organised. They discussed what steps need to be taken at COP19 in Warsaw, as well as in the two years that are left before 2015, in order to get an equitable agreement that is perceived as fair by all, and that is able to limit global average temperature increase to below 2°C by the end of the century.

The official proceedings from this day can be found here*.

*As the discussions during this day took place under Chatham House Rules, the proceedings are anonymised.